Marking Module

Xeoma Software

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Marking Module

Postby cainrand » Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:40 am

I have noticed on some of the sample camera modules, there is a custom text watermark along with date/time watermark and sometimes a weather feed.

Like here:
watermark on cam.JPG
watermark on cam.JPG (54.31 KiB) Viewed 5724 times

How do I achieve this?

I know I can do a custom text, but can't seem to add the date/time along with it. I tried a second marking module but that didn't seem to work. Not sure how to achieve the weather feed.

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Re: Marking Module

Postby Admin_J » Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:00 am

Sorry for the late reply.

Most probably this is the feature of the cameras.

Xeoma offer the opportunity to use several Marking modules at a time, it will be looking like this:

marking.jpg (136.89 KiB) Viewed 5694 times

Nevertheless, we are always trying to develop and make Xeoma better and better, so we'll try to add this feature in one of the future versions.
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