Xeoma Server Port

Xeoma Software

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Xeoma Server Port

Postby johnlondon » Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:11 pm

I'm trying to evaluate the product for use on a number of Macs on a network. Is it possible to change the port on which the server app runs? At present, it looks as though it's hardcoded in on port 8090. We have another service running on 8090 so can't change this. The GUI suggests that it's possible to change the port to which the client part of the app runs, but I can't see how to change the server port.
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Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:07 pm

Re: Xeoma Server Port

Postby Admin_N » Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:34 am

You can change Xeoma's port with the help of a Terminal command:

{path to Xeoma file}/xeoma.app/Contents/MacOS/xeoma -core -serverport 1111

where 1111 is the desired vacant port.

Note: the specified port will be reset to the default 8090 at program or OS restart. We're currently working on making Xeoma memorize the user-defined port.
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Re: Xeoma Server Port

Postby Admin_N » Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:13 am

In the latest versions of Xeoma, it does memorize the new port changed through the -serverport command. So it will be retained even after the OS restart.
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