Email module sends pics with no movement in them

Xeoma Software

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Email module sends pics with no movement in them

Postby Lisaweb » Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:23 pm

I love Xeoma, and in using it these past few months, I have found it to be a very stable, excellent surveillance tool. However, I am having one small problem that I'd like to clear up.

The emails Xeoma sends me when movement is detected, show no movement. Not ever. It's kinda strange too, because when I go back to the video, I can clearly see that a friend had visited, a delivery was made, or one of the pets ventured too close to the camera. And sometimes the movement is extensive too. It kinda seems like Xeoma is taking & sending me pictures that are time delayed from the actual movement.

What in the settings can I change so Xeoma will send me pictures that occur at the actual time of movement?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Re: Email module sends pics with no movement in them

Postby Admin_K » Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:12 am

Hello! What settings do you have in 'Sending email' module? What modules do you have in the chain before 'Sending email' module?

Maybe you connected 'Sending email' module straight to the 'Universal camera' module? In this case images will be sent according to the time interval that you set up in the module's settings regardless of motion detection.
Please check that parameter and if it's necessary, connect 'Sending email' module to the 'Motion Detector' module.

If 'Sending email' module is connected to the 'Motion Detector' module, please check the prerecord parameter. If you set up prerecord in 'Motion Detector' (e.g 2 sec), then picture that you'll receive on your e-mail will be taken from the prerecord and it may contain no movement at all. So in this case you can set prerecord to 0 sec. This problem was fixed in the new beta-version of Xeoma 15.4.9, so if your license allows (was purchased less than 1 year ago), you can update to it. Or you can simply try it in the trial or free mode. New beta-version of Xeoma can be easily found on our web site.
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