Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Xeoma Software

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Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:17 am

Is there a way to stop the Android app from creating a configuration using it's local camera?

I keep using the red X option to delete the configuration so that it will use the selected servers only. When it can't find the servers, it'll create a local configuration and connect to the local camera.

If there isn't an immediate method, you might consider making a client only mode option so that it can be configure to never connect to, or look for the local camera.

Thanks in advance for any comments.

By the way, I see a couple of other problems with the android app. I'm not sure which you'd prefer, placing all the problems into one thread, or creating a thread for each separate problem.

-- L. James
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:50 am

Do you mean that when you run the Android app, Xeoma connects to itself (what we call locally) while you want to use it as a client to connect to a remote server? Or the problem is that the Android app keeps on adding your local (embedded) camera while you don't want to use it?

apollothethird Wrote: I'm not sure which you'd prefer, placing all the problems into one thread, or creating a thread for each separate problem.

We believe separate topics would be easier to address and follow for forum users. However, feel free to list the issues in one topic if that's more comfortable for you. Please also give us small insight in what device you use.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:39 pm

Admin_N Wrote:Do you mean that when you run the Android app, Xeoma connects to itself (what we call locally) while you want to use it as a client to connect to a remote server? Or the problem is that the Android app keeps on adding your local (embedded) camera while you don't want to use it?

It's most likely a combination of both. First I don't want to use the local camera. I only want to use it as a client for my home security system. It's distracting for me to have it attach itself to the local camera on the android. Of course if I wanted video from the android I'd just click on the already camera software of the android and aim the camera.

I use the red X to delete the local configuration that it creates. I'm concern that when it attaches it self to my local camera, the camera might not be available when I want to take quick video of events. As far as the distraction while trying to check the surveillance from my server, it takes a very long time fumbling with the controls to try to get it back to remote.

On my computers, this doesn't happen. Since I'm able to run the client mode on the computers, if the server isn't available it'll just stay on the screen waiting for the server and connect when it becomes available. It doesn't create a configuration of the local hardware, or go into a search mode to find cameras which may or may not be available.

Thanks for taking the time to ask for clarification.

$1 Wrote:$2
apollothethird Wrote: I'm not sure which you'd prefer, placing all the problems into one thread, or creating a thread for each separate problem.

We believe separate topics would be easier to address and follow for forum users. However, feel free to list the issues in one topic if that's more comfortable for you. Please also give us small insight in what device you use.

Great! I'll create a new thread with the other android issue. This way when one if one issue is resolved, the other can remain active.

-- L. James
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Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2013 10:51 pm

Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:12 pm

apollothethird Wrote:I only want to use it as a client for my home security system

The above described is strange, actually. The Android app acts the same as desktop version in terms of remote access: that is, once you have connected with its help to a remote Xeoma server, it remembers the choice, and at the next launch tries to connect to that server - be it available or not. It will not connect locally (to the embedded server) unless you delete the address of a previously used server.

That said, please try to update your version (download from ). Does it still happen in the newer version?

If it does, it probably means that settings are not getting stored on your device. Does it happen on all of your Android devices?
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:13 pm

Admin_N Wrote:$2
apollothethird Wrote:I only want to use it as a client for my home security system

The above described is strange, actually. The Android app acts the same as desktop version in terms of remote access: that is, once you have connected with its help to a remote Xeoma server, it remembers the choice, and at the next launch tries to connect to that server - be it available or not. It will not connect locally (to the embedded server) unless you delete the address of a previously used server.

That said, please try to update your version (download from ). Does it still happen in the newer version?

If it does, it probably means that settings are not getting stored on your device. Does it happen on all of your Android devices?

The link you gave me is the link I used when I downloaded the application. I installed it and downloaded it again and reinstalled it. It's still functioning the same way.

By the way can you tell me if there is a way to check and verify from the application which version is running?

These are the steps that I have repeated numerous times and it behaves exactly every time. This is different from the way the clients behave on the computer. I believe the clients behave differently because there is a client argument for invoking client only.

If you are invoking the client only on your android version, can you tell me how you have configured it?

    1) I disabled my wifi connection on my android (simulating being out of network connectivity range).

    2) The android connected to “Cam_A1” of which I never use and didn't have before it just created it.

    3) I deleted the configuration using the red x. It confirmed the configuration was deleted.

    4) I exited the Xeoma application.

    5) I started the application again.

    6) It created a connection to the local camera (this I do not want). The connection it created was a “Cam_A1” which I have never configured, instead I have to delete every day.

    7) I exit the Xeoma application.

    8) I go into my settings and activate the wifi.

    9) I start the Xeomja Application. It now goes into a Cam_A1 configuration of which I'm trying to figure out how to stop. Now I need to navigate to the actual server. After navigating to the remote server, my Apo-cam1 comes up.

The Apo-cam1 is the only one I have configured. This is the only one I would like to use.

On my computer if my server is unavailable it's stay on a screen waiting for my server to become available. When my server comes available the connection is established.

The android and the computer does not behave the same on any of the androids I have tested. I'll try to get access to other androids to see if I can see any difference in the others.

I didn't try it with my phone because it takes too long to configure it (you can't edit the text fields) and I didn't want to be stuck without a connection to my security system for when I leave my shop.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:28 pm

Actually normally Xeoma does create default camera if there are no cameras or chains in use yet.

When you connect to a remote Xeoma server, and restart Xeoma (turn it off and on), it doesn't connect to the server you last connected to but rather connects locally (to itself on your mobile device)? Because it should.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:27 am

So what I need to know is, are you sure that your last connection, before you quit the program, was the remote server, not to the local (not Xeoma connecting to itself)? We're testing it here on the same devices and cannot get the issue repeated.

Please try the newer version available on our site (although old ones must not have the issue either).
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:15 am

Admin_N Wrote:So what I need to know is, are you sure that your last connection, before you quit the program, was the remote server, not to the local (not Xeoma connecting to itself)? We're testing it here on the same devices and cannot get the issue repeated.

Please try the newer version available on our site (although old ones must not have the issue either).

The newest download works better.

To test it I disabled the wifi connection and the Mobile 3G data connection then started Xeoma. It stayed on the loading screen as desired without creating a connection to the local camera.

At present it will only create a connection to the local camera if I make a mistake and hit "Exit Multi-server mode" when trying to exit the application (the two options are very close for my big thumbs).

If I hit "Exit Multi-server mode" I have to delete it again. That is very much undesirable and undesirable to have to go thought those actions because I can't imagine any need to ever want Xeoma to be connected to my Android's camera. The most expensive "single" remote IP cameras cost less than my Android. If I wanted a remote camera I'd purchase a cheaper and better one. I would never use my expensive android as a security camera. I'd only use it as a client for my server.

After deleting the connection to my local camera, the remote configuration works again, without having to recreate it. This is ideal.

If you add a "client only" option for the android like you have for the Destkop, this would resolve all the problems described. It would work ideal.

Thanks for hearing my suggestion and feedback.

Oh yea, is there a way to view the version running on the Android? The desktop version shows the version running in the title bar.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:20 am

Finally we got to the root of the issue! Sorry I didn't get it earlier.

The thing is Multi-Server mode is used for connection to several servers. For simple remote client-server connection (when you need to connect to 1 server, be it remote or local) you need to use Main Menu -> Remote Access -> Connect To, and type in the details for remote server in the Connection Dialog that will be shown there.

In your case, Multi-server mode is a more complicated way to do the same. You now have 2 servers in the list - your remote one and your local one (the latter being added by default). Remove the local server from the list and click OK button. You will be connected to just 1 server that is your remote server.

As for the Android app version, you can view info via Main Menu -> Information -> About in Xeoma, or in App Info in system settings.

Hope this helps!
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Tue Oct 15, 2013 4:54 pm

Admin_N Wrote:Finally we got to the root of the issue! Sorry I didn't get it earlier.

The thing is Multi-Server mode is used for connection to several servers. For simple remote client-server connection (when you need to connect to 1 server, be it remote or local) you need to use Main Menu -> Remote Access -> Connect To, and type in the details for remote server in the Connection Dialog that will be shown there.

In your case, Multi-server mode is a more complicated way to do the same. You now have 2 servers in the list - your remote one and your local one (the latter being added by default). Remove the local server from the list and click OK button. You will be connected to just 1 server that is your remote server.

As for the Android app version, you can view info via Main Menu -> Information -> About in Xeoma, or in App Info in system settings.

Hope this helps!

I'm glad to see that you're taking this issue serious and looking into it. The flaw that I describe probably doesn't appear to be as much as a burden in your development environment as it is in the field when actually trying to use it.

In the field, I don't have the same type of time that I have when I'm at my shop. One of my jobs involves driving a bus. It would be nice to be able to take a look from time to time at the state of my security camera. However, it works less than 1 out of 10 times (namely because I don't have a lot of time to play with it).

If it would either connect to the server, or fail, it would work most of the time. However, as I mentioned before, when it fails to connect to the server, because of temporary network connection problem, it ends up creating a new connection to my phone's camera. It takes too much work to change the connection when I'm on the road. So I'm just out of luck.

There was one time when I was concerned about my shop and had to call a neighbor to look in on things because I didn't have time to remove the connection from the local camera and make it go back to the remote.

I'm surprised that you can't see what a problem this is. A simple solution would be to add a configuration option to be in client mode only (just as you have with the computer version). Then it would either connect to your server (surveillance system) or not, if the you don't have immediate Internet connectivity. When your Internet comes back, you'd have video.

You said one of the problems I was having was due to using the multi-server remote option. I use that option because that is the only one that I see available to use. The one that is automatically created to the local phone's camera doesn't allow editing (on any of my androids, the Samsung Galaxy SII is my primary one).

It works sometimes, but rarely. On those occasions when it works, it shows great potential.

As far as the automatic feature of continuing to create a connection to the phone's camera, I can't imagine any circumstance where that could be desirable or beneficial in any way. Can you imagine a reason to use your $300 phone for a camera when you can get a more practical one for $30 dollars? If I were going to consider using $300 for a camera budget, I'd use that money to by a multi camera system and have change.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:15 pm

The thing is that the app can work in the "client only" mode. If it fails to connect to the remote machine, it shouldn't and doesn't connect locally (or, as you put it, create local configuration)! Even if Xeoma is the trial mode, even if it's an Android app version, Xeoma remembers the IP address you last connected to and doesn't reset it to the local one, instead it tries to connect to that very IP address. There's some misunderstanding that make you feel it doesn't work the way you want, but it does.

First option is to connect to the remote computer (e.g. at home) via client-server connection (only good to connect to 1 server):

You need to fill in the IP address and password of your remote machine(!) in the connection dialog (Main Menu -> Remote Access -> Connect To)
xeoma_server_connection.jpg (35.71 KiB) Viewed 35233 times

Second option is the multiserver connection (good to connect to several machines). NOTE: You need to delete your Android device's local server from the list (which is by default there!) if you don't want to connect to it! To do that, select it from the list and click "Remove the selected..." link.
xeoma_video_surveillance_system_multiserver.jpg (34.44 KiB) Viewed 35233 times

It seems like you haven't done it, so Xeoma still connects to itself aka creates local configuration - since even if other servers are not available, this one always is. Hence the annoying USB camera.

This way it works in the "client only" mode. No need to spend much time for this setup.

As for auto detection of USB cameras on a mobile device on the whole, Xeoma finds all cameras in local network, including USB cameras. Some users just want to make use of what they have, without buying additional equipment, although in some cases the latter would be more favorable. So, if you just have an old device you are not going to use anymore, it can be used as a standalone stationary video surveillance system in which case we believe it would be odd to ignore, and omit, the built-in camera.
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby apollothethird » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:58 pm

Admin_N Wrote:The thing is that the app can work in the "client only" mode. If it fails to connect to the remote machine, it shouldn't and doesn't connect locally (or, as you put it, create local configuration)! Even if Xeoma is the trial mode, even if it's an Android app version, Xeoma remembers the IP address you last connected to and doesn't reset it to the local one, instead it tries to connect to that very IP address. There's some misunderstanding that make you feel it doesn't work the way you want, but it does.

First option is to connect to the remote computer (e.g. at home) via client-server connection (only good to connect to 1 server):

You need to fill in the IP address and password of your remote machine(!) in the connection dialog (Main Menu -> Remote Access -> Connect To)

Second option is the multiserver connection (good to connect to several machines). NOTE: You need to delete your Android device's local server from the list (which is by default there!) if you don't want to connect to it! To do that, select it from the list and click "Remove the selected..." link.

It seems like you haven't done it, so Xeoma still connects to itself aka creates local configuration - since even if other servers are not available, this one always is. Hence the annoying USB camera.

This way it works in the "client only" mode. No need to spend much time for this setup.

As for auto detection of USB cameras on a mobile device on the whole, Xeoma finds all cameras in local network, including USB cameras. Some users just want to make use of what they have, without buying additional equipment, although in some cases the latter would be more favorable. So, if you just have an old device you are not going to use anymore, it can be used as a standalone stationary video surveillance system in which case we believe it would be odd to ignore, and omit, the built-in camera.

In an attempt to follow your steps exactly so that I could report on the success or lack of, I uninstalled the app the day of your post (6 days ago); redownloaded it to ensure I had the latest version. I've been trying every since and can't get it setup.

The biggest problem is that it isn't possible to backspace on any of my Android devices.

The reason that I always used the Mulitple option was because the local configuration that is automatically creates is not editable on any of my devices.

The main device that I have tried to have it installed on is my Samsung Galaxy SII.

I've spent quiet a few hours. I really tried to have it installed and configured before posting my comment, but I can't get the server typed in correctly. I'm not a good enough typist on the tiny device to type the full host name and password without needing to back space to make a correction.

At this time I'll have to wait for the next version and see if it's possible to get it configured.

By the way, my Virtual Androids in my programming environment works the same way you describe in your post. So I can see that it works for you and for some people. But it doesn't work on any of my Samsung Androids, nor my Acer 7"
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Re: Android App keeps creating Camera Configuration

Postby Admin_N » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:17 pm

The Android app has been much improved since then so now all buttons should work without any issues. Please download the latest version from our site or Google Play to see for yourself!
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