The thing is that the app
can work in the "
client only" mode. If it fails to connect to the remote machine, it
shouldn't and doesn't connect locally (or, as you put it, create local configuration)! Even if Xeoma is the trial mode, even if it's an Android app version,
Xeoma remembers the IP address you last connected to and doesn't reset it to the local one, instead it tries to connect to that very IP address. There's some misunderstanding that make you feel it doesn't work the way you want, but it does.
First option is to connect to the remote computer (e.g. at home) via
client-server connection (only good to connect to 1 server):
You need to fill in the IP address and password of
your remote machine(!) in the connection dialog (Main Menu -> Remote Access -> Connect To)

- xeoma_server_connection.jpg (35.71 KiB) Viewed 35233 times
Second option is the
multiserver connection (good to connect to several machines). NOTE:
You need to delete your Android device's local server from the list (which is by default there!) if you don't want to connect to it! To do that, select it from the list and click "Remove the selected..." link.

- xeoma_video_surveillance_system_multiserver.jpg (34.44 KiB) Viewed 35233 times
It seems like you haven't done it, so Xeoma still connects to itself aka creates local configuration - since even if other servers are not available, this one always is. Hence the annoying USB camera.
This way it works in the "client only" mode. No need to spend much time for this setup.
As for auto detection of USB cameras on a mobile device on the whole, Xeoma finds all cameras in local network, including USB cameras. Some users just want to make use of what they have, without buying additional equipment, although in some cases the latter would be more favorable. So, if you just have an old device you are not going to use anymore, it can be used as a standalone stationary video surveillance system in which case we believe it would be odd to ignore, and omit, the built-in camera.