Heatmap in video surveillance system Xeoma

Xeoma Software

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Heatmap in video surveillance system Xeoma

Postby Admin_V » Wed Nov 23, 2016 6:12 pm

Heatmap is one of the most efficient tools in video surveillance. With its help, you can get a quick glance at motion dynamics in camera’s field of view.

The way Xeoma’s heatmap works is somewhat different from how heat cameras work. The latter is all about an object’s temperature. “Warm” or “hot” objects are shown as an area in the warm color spectre (red hues), and the is colder the object the deepest blue color it is in camera image.

Xeoma uses similar “warm-cold” color gradation, but relies on the motion frequency in a certain area rather than temperature of it.

More information here! :D :D :D
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Re: Heatmap in video surveillance system Xeoma

Postby hbarker » Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:11 pm

We use a different application for our Heatmap for this reason specifically. We use some Flir Camera's to monitor the temperature of some equipment because it gives us both visual and heat representation. As much as I'd like to merge both of these systems under Xeoma I'll have to keep these camera's on the other system.
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Re: Heatmap in video surveillance system Xeoma

Postby Admin_N » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:02 am

You're right. Xeoma's heatmap has almost nothing to do with the heat as such. It's actually all about intensity of movement in this or that area.

Depending on what information the thermal cameras you use can send, it may still be possible to use them in Xeoma for visual and heat representation as well. We have several modules that can work with information (commands) from external devices aif they are sent over the http. HTTP Marking module probably is the one you're looking for if you're up to add the thermal cams into Xeoma and get info from them. Please give it a try and let us know if you need help!
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