Camera layout not saving (bug and feature request)

Xeoma Software

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Camera layout not saving (bug and feature request)

Postby skylord123 » Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:26 pm

I have a headless Ubuntu server that I run Xeoma on. I then use it on my phone, laptop, and I also have a dedicated machine in my office that always shows the cameras. I setup my layout so that all indoor cameras are on one tab and all outdoor cameras are on another. For some reason when the Xeoma server application gets restarted and the client reconnects the layout did not save and I have to set it up every time this happens. Is this how it is supposed to work? I really want my layout to be saved.

Feature Request:
It would be nice if we could setup layouts and save/load them from the server with a set name. This way if I create a layout on my phone but then get a new phone I can just load the already created layout off my server without re-creating. Since all devices have different screen sizes it is nice to have different layouts depending on that (such as splitting my 4 outdoor cameras into two tabs such as Front Yard and Back Yard but only for mobile devices so it's easier to see in the grid).
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Joined: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:18 pm

Re: Camera layout not saving (bug and feature request)

Postby Admin_P » Wed Jul 26, 2017 12:01 pm

Hello! On the server please check the directory /home/UserName/XeomaClient. It should have a user.cache file and all the permissions - this file keeps the layout information. It should also be present on the clients.
You can go Main menu -> Install -> Restore -> Export settings - this will give you 2 files: .dat and .cache. They will keep all the settings for future reference.
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Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:49 pm

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