Thanks for your answer.
After many trials I have got to work with url:
http://IPADDRESS/cgi-bin/video.jpgI'm a little bit confused about reason. It worked only with "admin" user, my other user works well from browser and from ZoneMinder, but in xeoma it wont. It is small mister for me, but ok, that is not an issue, because I have it in relatively safe environment.
On other hand I have another Axis camera which worked right away without any problems.
Now I can't get rtsp to work. It is not rely necessary, but I'd like to have audio recorded too. As I see in camera config it has UDP audio stream. Maybe it is possible to add this one? If yes what would be correct syntax?
with nmap I can't see camera has opened 554 port, so it looks like there is something with camera and rtsp thing.
On other hand if I connect with Internet Explorer (only, FF and chrome dosen't) I can hear audio from room, so technically audio works well.
Yep, it's nothing like what you've seen before, is it? We tried to make it comprehensive just like that, intuitively, without manuals or instructions, sort of like mobile devices' apps. Where do you have most troubles in Xeoma regarding its interface?
Perhaps it's more about me than about Xeoma.
I just have used for a while ZoneMinder and there is a lot of parameters to deal with and from one side it is complicated on other hand I have a lot of control over what's happening.
As for now, what I'd like to have (maybe I just haven't figured out and it is here):
-) more verbose response after adding camera, at least in case of failure. I'd like to see what is an error. Can't connect camera, invalid user, whatever, just to have some clue where to look. Now I can't even know if I have entered parameters incorrectly
-) now I can't figure out. Is there some overall disk usage limitations? I can see per camera, bet I mean summary. For example all records can use up to X% of available disk space, or Y gb. It is necessary because cameras has very different amount of movement in range and sometimes it is even not possible to guess what will be each cameras amount of data recorded in some period. And the goal is to keep recordings for as long as possible.