Available in BETA: detector of facial masks (Mask Detector)

Xeoma Software

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Available in BETA: detector of facial masks (Mask Detector)

Postby Admin_N » Tue Apr 28, 2020 4:50 pm

Available in BETA: Mask Detector - a detector of presence or absence of masks

In the midst of a pandemic, various measures are being taken to protect the public. One of such measures in many countries is the mandatory wearing of protective masks in public places. Violation of this requirement is often punishable by a fine and even imprisonment. However, more often than we’d like to admit, even the strictest punishment is not a panacea – there are still those who go outside with no mask on. It is important to identify the offenders before they bring harm to themselves or others. The upcoming Xeoma module is capable of _detecting the absence of a protective medical mask on a person’s face_, and Xeoma’s reactions, as always, will help inform officials about the detection promptly so that they can confront the person almost at once as they are detected.

The Mask Detector can also work in the self-explaining regime, that is to _detect people with masks on their faces_. This can be used for preventive or statistical purposes, as well as for security purposes, for example, by informing operators that video cameras cannot recognize (see face of) the visitor and it may be worth checking the identity of the person in the mask.

The module is already available in the BETA version of Xeoma. But if you want to try it now, please contact us at www.xeoma.com
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