Hi, I am trying to use application runner to run espeak (Linux text to speech program) to notify me in words on video events.
It has been hard to get it to run a bash script that uses espeak. I eventually got a script to run by using:
The program to run: /bin/bash
The parameters of program: /home/server/script/speak.sh
After lots of testing, Xeoma runs the script as root with the script run from the root folder, so full path referencing is required. Then I used the script to do fault finding by trying several different commands in the script:
espeak "hello" - No sound, but works when I run it as server user and as root in terminal.
sudo -u server espeak "hello" - No sound, but works when run in terminal.
ps -aux | grep espeak - show espeak as an active process, but it does not seem to terminate.
The running interval is set to 10 seconds, which is a lot longer than "hello".
What am I doing wrong?