License plate recognition module

Xeoma Software

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License plate recognition module

Postby Thomsus » Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:21 am

Hi, I'm testing the license plate recognition module (ANPR).
I connected the Camera to the ANPR and then to an e-mail module for testing. I got several mails with weird, non-existing license plate numbers, when no traffic was present. So, somehow the road is recognized as letters.
So I'm trying to change the module settings. does not say how the minimum and maximum size works - is it the max/min license plate size, or is it one letter on license plate size?

The article mentions placing the ANPR right after the camera module. Is there any drawbacks by placing a motion sensor module in between?

I don't see the recognized license plate showing up on the Xeoma client. Is it supposed to show up on both the one-camera view (where the modules are placed), or on the overview page (where all cameras are shown side by side)?
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Re: License plate recognition module

Postby Admin_P » Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:05 am

Min and max sizes work only for iANPR-based recognition. If you have checked any of the country boxes that are not marked with iANPR - these sliders won't have any effect. The signify the size of the entire license plate in pixels.

If your goal is to avoid false positives above all else - yes, you can use "Motion Detector" before "ANPR" in the chain. The only drawback is that you are relying on "Motion Detector" to be triggering when a license plate is on screen, which may not be the case if not all the conditions the module applies to the video are satisfied. In short - make sure to spend some time fine-tuning that detector.

Please make sure that a chain with "ANPR" module in it ends with either "Preview" or "Preview and Archive" (otherwise, the module does not show anything on screen). When this is done, you should have number plates in both multiple preview and single-camera view.
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