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The server was restarted incorrectly

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:46 pm
by CyclingDude
What does this error message mean? How does one troubleshoot and correct the condition?

It appears in the preview windows of various cameras. I'm running Xeoma 15.10.21. I added two additional cameras yesterday, and they seemed to work fine along with the existing ones. Today I stopped xeoma ("systemctl stop XeomaCoreService"), increased the logical volume size where the archives are located, and restarted. Now the new cameras are displaying a preview but the old ones are not, and this error is displayed. I've tried reboot of the Ubuntu server and the cameras in various sequences, no change in situation.

I've tried finding Xeoma log files and found nothing. I've tried enabling the email notifications and found 1) the group setting bit on the @ email module doesn't really apply settings to the other modules of the same name, and 2) it's not emailing me anything when I start the server and it detects this condition, even though I checked all the notification options.

Where if anywhere does Xeoma log error conditions with regards to the state of the database(s) and so forth, or whatever else can result in this error message about "the server was restarted incorrectly" ?


Re: The server was restarted incorrectly

PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:56 pm
by CyclingDude
Sorry for the double post. It appears that somehow, in the stop/start procedure of XeomaCoreService, it lost both the username/password of three of the cameras, as well as (in one case) the video URLs for the camera. After correcting that, all the cameras do display both preview and full res video correctly, even through a xeoma restart.

However, after a restart of XeomaCoreService, I *still* am getting a "The server was restarted incorrectly" message in the preview windows, so there's the question of why Xeoma lost the login credentials, as well as why does this error message get displayed and how can one correct the condition.


Re: The server was restarted incorrectly

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:55 pm
by Admin_N
Hi Dan,

Server might crash for a number of various reasons (although we work on it not to) so if you don't want to receieve this message you are welcome to untick this option in the Problems Detector module!