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Is there a way to rebuild a fragmented Video Archive?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:29 pm
by Livewire

I have had some issues with my Ubuntu implementation of Xeoma with an external USB Hard drive. I have labeled the drive using gpartd so its not the long gibberish string it was during installation. I changed the directory to record to the newly named drive. Now I have Video archive in 2 places but only one is visible in the archive viewer. Is there a way to update the db to look in other directories for footage as well? Should I move all the contents from the old directory into the new one? If I do so will the archive update? I don't want to lose old footage not in the db or corrupt the existing DB which works fine.

Re: Is there a way to rebuild a fragmented Video Archive?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:15 am
by Livewire
Figured it out on my own and posting the answer here in case anyone else needs to do it in the future:

*********Perform at your own risk!! Not responsible for any lost files or data!***********************
*********Make backups prior to doing this. It worked fine for me but be cautious especially if these are important recordings***************

Step 1: Merge all your separate VideoArchive folders into one instance
Note to merge them not overwrite or replace! You should have all your files and folders intact when done, just consolidated into a single instance of "VideoArchive"
Step 2: Make sure all your cameras are set to store and archive into the folder you made as a single instance in step #1
Step 3: Go to an active camera and watch a video in the archive. There should be an option to "Reindex the Archive" Click on this
Step 4: All your previously recorded files should show up in the proper months and days.

For me I had the first week of December not selectable because it was in a different location. After running the steps I have the whole month of December searchable through the archive viewer.

