Understanding how to use Marking
Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:04 pm
Hi all, I am a new user to Xeoma. Just upgraded to 16.6.6 Standard Version (1) camera which is running under Ubuntu Mate Linux 14.04 using a GeoVision IP camera. I have gotten pretty comfortable with most of the setup and configuration steps but still have not been able to get a single frame with the date-time stamp visible from the Marking module. I saw the post: http://felenasoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1190&p=3945&hilit=marking#p3938 which implied that Marking should be working on the H.264 stream as of Beta 16.5.18, but I never see a time stamp in either live view / preview or archive review.
My camera is running different streams for preveiw and video stream. Currently the video may be mpeg4 but I can switch that back to H.264 (it was changed to test another program). The boxes "Enable H.264 recording to Archive without conversion" and "Use H.264 stream (from Archive) in single camera view mode" are both checked. If I uncheck either or both of those boxes I seem to lose real time view.
Any suggestions? Should I be able to see the date / time on the Real Time view? It is critical to my use that the archived videos contain the date / time embedded in the actual video.
My camera is running different streams for preveiw and video stream. Currently the video may be mpeg4 but I can switch that back to H.264 (it was changed to test another program). The boxes "Enable H.264 recording to Archive without conversion" and "Use H.264 stream (from Archive) in single camera view mode" are both checked. If I uncheck either or both of those boxes I seem to lose real time view.
Any suggestions? Should I be able to see the date / time on the Real Time view? It is critical to my use that the archived videos contain the date / time embedded in the actual video.