back up of configuration/restore lost settings

Xeoma Software

Moderators: Admin_N, Administrator, Admin_P, Admin_K

back up of configuration/restore lost settings

Postby Admin_N » Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:03 pm

Our user asked:

I fear to uninstall the program and lose my configuration. Is tehre a way to do backup from camera configuration on Xeoma server.

so that I don’t need to reconfigure all cameras and setting from the beginning.

Answer to that:

Sure, You can make a backup copy of settings through Xeoma’s interface in Main menu –> Install > Restore menu.

Choose "Save settings" for Xeoma to memorize this configuration while you're experimenting with the settings. When something goes wrong, you can go back to this configuration with the Restore option.

If you might need to uninstall Xeoma or want to export settings to a safe place, opt for the "Export" option. You will see the directory dialog where to save the file to. You’ll be able to use it later when you need to restore the settings, with the "Import" option in the same menu.

Backups are also made automatically every now and then and saved in the Xeoma directory, Backup subfolder. SO if you've lost settings and you don't have a backup copy, please look over there and try to find the file that has the settings you need. For example, use date/time to find the right one. Once you have it, copy it to the root of Xeoma directory and rename into settings.dat. Make sure that Xeoma isn't running at the time.

Attention! It doesn't apply to the trial mode of Xeoma where settings are not saved at all.
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