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H.265 & Hardware Acceleration Issues - Xeoma (Linux)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:33 pm
by core2lee
Hi all,

I am running Xeoma 17.11.24 (beta) on a headless CentOS 7.4.1708 Linux server. Xeoma runs inside of a dedicated LXC container.

h.265 Encoding:
I have a Swann swnhd-855cam, as this is a 5MP I would ideally like to store recordings in HEVC/h.265. When I scan for cameras in Xeoma the correct URL is found straight away.

When the camera stream is running h.264, Xeoma will scan for the correct stream URL and will look like this and work perfectly fine;
[2592x1944 15 fps h264 32Kb] rtsp://<IP>/ch01/0

If I switch to h.265 on the camera, the live stream is still shown in the cameras built in WebUI, however the camera doesn't display any video in Xeoma, if I rescan Xeoma still finds the URL but instead shows h.265 ([2592x1944 15 fps h265 32Kb] rtsp://<IP>/ch01/0).

Is there anything I am missing here, any additional packages or libraries that need to be installed for h.265 decoding to work (similar to having to install audio libs if you want audio in Linux), has anyone else been able to get h.265 working in a Linux server environment?

Hardware Acceleration:
I understand I am running inside of an LXC container, however this has direct access to the /dev/dri/renderD128 interface, the xorg-x11-drv-intel driver is installed and appears perfectly fine in intel_gpu_top. This identical config, on the same server allows Plex hardware transcoding for example.

Short story: I'm 99.9% certain the Intel GPU has direct access to the container.

However in Xeoma when the 'Hardware Acceleration' box is checked, I am immediately told hardware acceleration isn't available. The CPU is an Intel Core i7-4770K.


Re: H.265 & Hardware Acceleration Issues - Xeoma (Linux)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:56 pm
by Admin_K

Generally, Xeoma does not require any additional packages to work with H.265-cameras.
After switching to H.265 on the camera’s admin page, please try copy-pasting this same URL in VLC player. Does it work there?

If not – you can try fiddling with the stream settings (e.g. adjust bitrate) or contact the manufacturer to see if they have a newer version of firmware for the camera.

If so – could you give us access to this camera via static external IP or dynamic DNS? This way our specialists would be able to connect and investigate the issue at the source.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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