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Screen Capture module

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:32 am
by sgtbane
I am trying to get a better understanding on how to use this module. My setup includes a server that is running headleas on a linux box with several cameras connected to it (standard license up to 8 cameras, currently only using 4). I can remote connect a client from my main device into the server and manage the streams/playback/etc.

I have a third device that I would like to enable a screen capture module on. From what I understand the screen capture module will only work on windows, and the device in question is running windows 10.

How do I get this setup working? Will this require a seperate aditional license for the device I would like to capture from?

Re: Screen Capture module

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:53 am
by Admin_P
Hello! Yes, the third device will need it's own license (Lite can do the trick). If you need to keep the archive it creates on your Linux server, then a Standard license will fit better, so that you can use "HTTP Upload to other Xeoma". Here is an example of a similar setup.