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PTZ Preset Scrolling / Scrolling in general

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 5:35 am
by skylord123
I have the Reolink RLC-423 ( that I have setup PTZ presets on. I have more than 3 PTZ presets defined but no matter what system I am on using Xeoma I cannot seem to scroll down on the presets list. Presets are the main way I use to move the camera around because of the 3 second lag before the camera actually moves when using the arrows. I have set many presets and would like to use them. I also don't think presets are being labeled correctly for this camera (what I set in the Reolink app doesn't show up as the label in Xeoma).

I also want to mention an issue about the scrolling inside dropdowns on any device that uses finger dragging to scroll (such as on mobile devices or using the trackpad on a laptop). It always seems to accidentally trigger a press on the screen after I release my finger(s) from the device. This either clicks something I didn't want to or closes the menu and I have to re-open it. This made checking if the scroll was even possible in the PTZ menu very difficult in the above issue. Can we get like a delay before you can click an item when scroll stops? I think that would fix the issue.

Re: PTZ Preset Scrolling / Scrolling in general

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:41 pm
by Admin_P
Hello! So far we've been unable to replicate this behavior - our tests consistently show that releasing the screen or trackpad does not count as a press and that when something is pressed outside the opened drop-down menu, it closes but nothing else is triggered.
Could you make a video from your laptop's screen with this behavior visible and send it via e-mail?

Re: PTZ Preset Scrolling / Scrolling in general

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 7:34 pm
by cinaed
Hi - I'm new Xeoma - I've download it but I haven't gotten around to installing it.

And I'm considering buying that camera and using it with Xeoma.

May I ask what operating system you're using for Xeoma?

I presume Xeoma Is the latest version?

And would you happen to know firmware version of the camera?

Thank you,

-- Cinaed