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how to install xeoma on ubuntu

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 2:46 pm
by thaynes
I downloaded the "linux/ubuntu" link and it was a tar/gz .app file. How do I run the .app file in ubuntu desktop. Everything I find says you can't run a .app file on linux that it is MAC only. I really need some help getting this installed.


Re: how to install xeoma on ubuntu

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:53 pm
by Administrator
Good afternoon,

To install or run Xeoma on Linux please make sure you are uncompressing xeoma_linux.tgz archive on Linux machine.
Otherwise, it is required to execute: chmod a+x and then you can run Xeoma as usual: ./;

"Cannot run" message means you probably unzipped at none-Ubuntu machine (at Windows?), trying to run file association without execute flags above. Or, please try to run it from Console.

Re: how to install xeoma on ubuntu

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:10 pm
by thaynes
the file I downloaded was not a tgz. it was only a gz. that was offered via the website for download.

Re: how to install xeoma on ubuntu

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 6:28 pm
by thaynes
also. I chmod a+x as described. attempting to execure the .app file does not work

sudo su

returns application process fires.


I downloaded the exe file for windows on 3 seperate windows 7 machines and the the executible failed on all 3. So can you confirm windows 7 64 support?

Re: how to install xeoma on ubuntu

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 7:42 pm
by Administrator
What is your Ubuntu version?
Do you run desktop or server version? From X-Window or text console?

About Windows 7, 64-bit support - yes, it works as a main (and most popular) platform.
Please make sure if you downloaded current version 12.5.11. File size 2512392 bytes.
What exact message you get when it is not running?