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Foscam FI8905W on Xeoma

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:49 am
by rc7990
I received the FI8905W cameras today and installed the latest version of Xeoma on my MacBook running Snow Leopard (10.6). The problem is Xeoma sees the camera along with my AT&T Uverse router (IP/Port: but I cannot get any set of settings to cause the camera to display video on the Xeoma display. Can someone please tell me what settings I need to use in Xeoma to let my cameras work properly?

Re: Foscam FI8905W on Xeoma

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:58 pm
by Admin_N

First of all make sure that you select the right model of Foscam cam from the list. Now that it is checked, perhaps your cam is protected by password? If it's not the problem, does your cam work with other applications?

Re: Foscam FI8905W on Xeoma

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:43 pm
by Admin_N
For your cam:
(mjpeg) - {your IP address}:{port}/videostream.cgi
(snapshot) - {your IP address}:{port}/snapshot.cgi
i.e., URL will look like:

Additionally, you can use these parameters:
?user=(your user name)&pwd= (your password)&resolution= (8:320*240, 32:640*480)&rate= (0=maximum)

We hope this helps.