Apexis J902 PTZ problem

Xeoma Software

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Apexis J902 PTZ problem

Postby marcoind » Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:16 am

I have an apexis J902 PTZ camera. It is a nice little dome camera with X,Y Pan tilt and an optical zoom.
I'm ruining xeoma 18.11.21 on ubuntu 16 as server.
The camera is recognized automatically by xeoma but not all the ptz functionality.
I can Pan and tilt form the xeoma preview but the zoom button have no effect(even if they are displayed on the ptz window) and i have no access to the preset positions.
I have reversed engineered all the url to use the ptz functionality and made a small interface with node-red to control the camera for ptz and preset recall and store.
It is not really convenient to operate the camera with the preview in xeoma and the ptz control from node-red ui.
Would it be possible to add a url button on the preview like the url module that allow me to link it to the camera control url?
Would it be possible to modify the existing ptz windows to have the zoom button working?
Below are the url that i'm using to control the camera:

apexis control
Presets must be translated into values internal to the camera
#Those values are: 30,32,34 ... 88,90,92 for presets 1-32 respectively
decoder_control.cgi?command=25 (home)
decoder_control.cgi?command=20 (patrol)
decoder_control.cgi?command=21 (patrol stop)
decoder_control.cgi?command=18 (zoom in)
decoder_control.cgi?command=16 (zoom out)

Thanks in advance for any help
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Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 10:15 am

Re: Apexis J902 PTZ problem

Postby Admin_K » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:27 pm

Hello, Marco!

Please check camera's documentation or admin page, does it have digital zoom?
In this case it might be unavailable in Xeoma, since Xeoma has its own digital zoom (in single camera view mode you can enter menu and find zoom option there).

If you need additional integration for your camera, we might need to access it remotely (direct access via static ip or dynDNS). Please send your requirements via email: https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/contacts/

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