Android client not reconnecting automaticly

Xeoma Software

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Android client not reconnecting automaticly

Postby MarkoR » Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:27 pm


I have licenced dedicated Xeoma server running and I have wall mounted a dedicated android tablet (with xeoma client) to view the Cameras. All works perfectly, but most mornings and some days when I check the client it's showing the dialog to reconnect (picture attached). It never reconnects on it's own, but everytime when I click the Ok -button it immediately reconnects and all works again for hours.

Why is it not reconnecting automaticly? Why do I always have to press the ok -button, even if the server is ok and it could connect without my help.

XeomaNotReconnecing.png (225.99 KiB) Viewed 11140 times
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Re: Android client not reconnecting automaticly

Postby MarkoR » Sun Apr 26, 2020 10:15 pm

When I do manually -restartservice the client always reconnects properly without my intervention within 10 or so seconds.

Also after debugging, it seems that client is not autoreconnecting if server runs into "network resource not available" or "Processor Load High". Even if the problem has passed long ago, it will not autoreconnect. That makes me believe that the client tries to autoconnect maybe once or twice within very brief time after problem and then just stops trying.

Please add functionality that it will try to reconnect after 10s, 30s, 60s, 180s, 720s, ..., etc, etc. I'm quite sure the problems have not lasted ever more than few seconds or a minute a time, but it would be cool if it can reconnect connect like after long powerout or something.

I have now also configured the clients to do the video encoding to relieve the stress from server and also added -restartservice to crontab for everynight. I doubt they will fix everything, but while I'm waiting for a better answer or method...
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Re: Android client not reconnecting automaticly

Postby Admin_P » Wed Feb 03, 2021 7:37 am

We've recently fixed a similar issue, so you may want to request a beta version at our e-mail address [url][/url].
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