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About decode only keyframes

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:18 pm
by nicklessagus
Hi all !!

I have been using xeoma on a raspberry pi for a year now and it works great. But to decrease CPU usage I started trying the "Decode Keyframes Only" option and it seems to work.
But my question is: Enable this option, it affects (substantially) motion detection or something?
I did not find information or recommendation in the forums or the manual: /

Thank you!!

Re: About decode only keyframes

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 8:16 pm
by Admin_K
If you use this option in 'Universal camera' module's settings, then yes, it'll affect 'Motion detector' if you use it in the modules chain (only key frames will be taken for motion analysis).

If you use this option for Xeoma Client in Layouts menu, then it'll affect only Client's visualization and nothing else.