Xeoma - IP cameras to check out/motion detection question

Xeoma Software

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Xeoma - IP cameras to check out/motion detection question

Postby JoaquinViggo » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:36 pm

First of all, I wanted to say after getting SO frustrated with ZoneMinder (installation, configuration, lack of sound, etc etc), someone on Reddit recommended Xeoma, and holy hell it's SO much better. Not only does it have sound, but it has modules (everything from motion detection to face recognition to license plate recognition) which you can insert which allow for amazing functionality.. Not to mention each part of settings things up (camera settings, motion detection) has a much more intuitive interface. Anyway, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up, especially those on Linux who don't have too many options.

Now that I have the software side setup though, I'd like to add a few cameras. First of all, does a camera need to have motion detection advertised as a feature if the software (in my case, Xeoma) has motion detection built in? Or will motion detection work with any camera then? Secondly, assuming I don't need motion detection cameras, could anybody recommended an affordable IP camera, but one that is reliable and has wifi?

Thank you!
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Joined: Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:27 pm

Re: Xeoma - IP cameras to check out/motion detection questio

Postby admin_mary » Thu May 13, 2021 12:09 pm

Thank you for your feedback, we always try to make Xeoma more comfortable for our users!

You don't need to buy a special camera, which has a build-in motion detector function to use Xeoma's “Motion detector” module. Every camera that is supported by Xeoma can use “Motion detector”.
Here is a list of cameras supported by Xeoma: ([url]https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/camerasupport/[/url])
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Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:18 am

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