thank you anyway.

EDIT: I just noticed I pasted the screenshot that still has the password *'ed out. When I get a moment I'll paste the one that shows the password as 'password' but it will be later this evening. I apologise for being clumsy here.
Good morning. I hope the day finds everyone well.
I am installing a new xeoma version 21.11.18 on a debian 11 box.
I am getting a 'wrong password' error on xeoma client when I try to log in.
everytihng on the server is run as 'root'
root@xeoma:~# uname -an
Linux xeoma 5.13.19-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.13.19-9 (Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:01:14 +0100) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# ./ -install -hiddenmode -installdir /opt/xeoma -programdir /opt/xeoma/bin -startdelay 10 -log
install hidden mode ...
* Ok > Install::installExeFiles
* Ok > Install::installResourceFiles
* Ok > Install::installFiles
* Ok > Install::runInstallFiles
* Ok > Install::popClientFromAutorun
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudServer
* Ok > Install::uninstallLicenseServerShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallLicenseServer
* Ok > Install::unInstallCoreShortcut
* Ok > Install::unInstallClientShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudShortcut
* Ok > Install::unRegisterInSystem
---------- Install::runWithAdminRights ----------
* Ok > Install::stopCore
* Ok > Install::registerCoreAsService
* Ok > Install::exchangeOldExeFileToNew
* Ok > Install::moveFilesToNewLocation
* Ok > Install::createLinkFileToNewLocation
* Ok > Install::installUserFiles
* Ok > Install::runWithAdminRights
* Ok > Install::removeOldExe
* Ok > Install::installHiddenMode
Settings path: /opt/xeoma
Executable file's path: /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma
Current password for network access: RD5sUC/sE5
root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma -setpassword password
Password set successfull
root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma -showpassword
Current password for network access: password
On client side:
~/xeoma $ ./xeoma -client password@ <-- is the box with xeoma server described above.
Screenshot of client with 'wrong password' attached (hopefully).
no firewalls or impediments. tcp access to port 8090 verified:
michelle ~ $ telnet 8090
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
What next?