RESOLVED I guess....wrong password on (new) client

Xeoma Software

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RESOLVED I guess....wrong password on (new) client

Postby ltgcc » Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:27 pm

RESOLVED I guess....I started things up to get a 'latest and greatest' screencap of the client...and it seems to be working as expected now. I have no idea....

thank you anyway. :D

EDIT: I just noticed I pasted the screenshot that still has the password *'ed out. When I get a moment I'll paste the one that shows the password as 'password' but it will be later this evening. I apologise for being clumsy here.

Good morning. I hope the day finds everyone well.

I am installing a new xeoma version 21.11.18 on a debian 11 box.

I am getting a 'wrong password' error on xeoma client when I try to log in.


everytihng on the server is run as 'root'

root@xeoma:~# uname -an
Linux xeoma 5.13.19-4-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.13.19-9 (Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:01:14 +0100) x86_64 GNU/Linux

root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# ./ -install -hiddenmode -installdir /opt/xeoma -programdir /opt/xeoma/bin -startdelay 10 -log
install hidden mode ...
* Ok > Install::installExeFiles
* Ok > Install::installResourceFiles
* Ok > Install::installFiles
* Ok > Install::runInstallFiles
* Ok > Install::popClientFromAutorun
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudServer
* Ok > Install::uninstallLicenseServerShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallLicenseServer
* Ok > Install::unInstallCoreShortcut
* Ok > Install::unInstallClientShortcut
* Ok > Install::uninstallCloudShortcut
* Ok > Install::unRegisterInSystem
---------- Install::runWithAdminRights ----------
* Ok > Install::stopCore
* Ok > Install::registerCoreAsService
* Ok > Install::exchangeOldExeFileToNew
* Ok > Install::moveFilesToNewLocation
* Ok > Install::createLinkFileToNewLocation
* Ok > Install::installUserFiles
* Ok > Install::runWithAdminRights
* Ok > Install::removeOldExe
* Ok > Install::installHiddenMode

Settings path: /opt/xeoma
Executable file's path: /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma


Current password for network access: RD5sUC/sE5

root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma -setpassword password

Password set successfull
root@xeoma:/home/xeoma# /root/bin/Xeoma/xeoma -showpassword

Current password for network access: password

On client side:

~/xeoma $ ./xeoma -client password@ <-- is the box with xeoma server described above.

Screenshot of client with 'wrong password' attached (hopefully).

no firewalls or impediments. tcp access to port 8090 verified:

michelle ~ $ telnet 8090
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

What next?

xeoma-wrong-password-Screenshot at 2022-02-10 11-17-16.png
screenshot of xeoma client with 'wrong password' error
xeoma-wrong-password-Screenshot at 2022-02-10 11-17-16.png (42.21 KiB) Viewed 12019 times
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:56 pm

Re: RESOLVED I guess....wrong password on (new) client

Postby Admin_P » Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:22 am

Hi! Even though the issue is resolved, I'll post a few details here, in case anyone runs into something similar.
When you are changing the Admin's password (as opposed to just a user's password) for a server where Xeoma runs as a service (be it Linux, Mac or Windows), you need to restart the service for that change to fully take effect.
Alternatively, you can apply the new password first, and them install Xeoma as a service.
Posts: 245
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:49 pm

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