archive webm format is corrupt

Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:01 pm
by saibal
I have xeoma 22.3.16
After last update webm archive video is corrupt. Files are saved as 0 byte lenght.
AVI or mpeg format are ok. any suggestion? I'm on linux
Re: archive webm format is corrupt

Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:58 am
by saibal
any suggestion from xeoma staff?
Re: archive webm format is corrupt

Thu Jun 23, 2022 8:28 am
by Admin_P
Hi! I assume you are referring to "Save to File" module - there is a known issue with .webm for it (has to do with ffmpeg). The good news is that we've finished most of the work on fixing that, the next release should work with .webm normally.
Though you don't want to know how much trouble it took to fix that one...
On a side note: you may want to keep in mind that WEBM is not a terribly efficient codec (this is particularly true for VP9), which means that a below average CPU is likely to struggle with real-time encoding for WEBM (this usually manifests as "latency" in the recorded file) even for just one camera, to say nothing of multiple working in parallel.