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New beta version 23.12.7 with 40+ improvements is out!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:43 am
by Admin_N
Usually we prefer to make posts about official versions of Xeoma, but the new beta version 23.12.7 is so packed with features we cannot wait to tell about them!

The new beta version Xeoma 23.12.7, released on 12/7/2023, has over 40(!) improvements, including _several dozens of new features_!

The new version’s most notable new additions are:

* thumbnail previews above the timeline in Xeoma’s Archive Player,
* simplified connection with QR codes,
* the long-waited for support for hardware acceleration in AMD Radeon graphics cards,
* automatic restoration of focus in ONVIF-compliant PTZ cameras,
* Text Recognition’s new optimizations to work with household or industrial meters,
* new notifications with mobile alerts about server outages, the search bar in Device List,
* support for webRTC in ARM-based machines,
* a special pass list in ‘QR Code Recognition’
and some more!

Besides, the following have been enhanced, too:
Xeoma’s search for cameras,
PTZ presets and tours,
API and console commands,
‘Face Detector (Emotions)’,
‘HTTP Request Sender’,
‘Smoke Detector’,
‘Freight Unloading Counter’,
‘Cross-Line Detector’,

Read more about this and other updates on our website: ([url][/url])

Give it a try now! Download the new beta version from the Download Page: ([url][/url] - or update through the program/application itself!