New official release with 40+ improvements (24.2.14) is out!

Xeoma Software

Moderators: Admin_N, Administrator, Admin_P, Admin_K

New official release with 40+ improvements (24.2.14) is out!

Postby Admin_N » Thu Feb 22, 2024 1:24 pm

We are delighted to announce the release of the first official version of Xeoma in 2024 - Xeoma 24.2.14!

The new release version was certainly worth the wait: it has over 40(!) improvements, including SEVERAL DOZENS of new features!

The new version’s most notable new additions are:

* thumbnail previews above the timeline in Xeoma’s Archive Player,
* simplified connection with QR codes,
* the long-waited for support for hardware acceleration in AMD Radeon graphics cards,
* automatic restoration of focus in ONVIF-compliant PTZ cameras,
* Text Recognition’s new optimizations to work with household or industrial meters,
* new notifications with mobile alerts about server outages, the search bar in Device List,
* support for webRTC in ARM-based machines,
* a special pass list in ‘QR Code Recognition’
and some more!

Besides, the following have been enhanced, too:
Xeoma’s search for cameras,
PTZ presets and tours,
API and console commands,
‘Face Detector (Emotions)’,
‘HTTP Request Sender’,
‘Smoke Detector’,
‘Freight Unloading Counter’,
‘Cross-Line Detector’,

Read more about this and other updates on our website:

So if you're looking for a contemporary, powerful and reliable video surveillance solution, try Xeoma's new version!

Give it a try now! Download the new release version from the Download Page: - or update through the program/application itself!

More about Xeoma:
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