Slow preview framerate and archive not working properly

Xeoma Software

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Slow preview framerate and archive not working properly

Postby parker » Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:32 pm

I just purchased Xeoma and am having a few problems with it. First, although my IP cameras are well within range of the wireless network and work fine at 30fps when accessed through a web browser, the video in the Xeoma preview window is extremely choppy. The rate is approximately 2fps, but sometimes the camera image stops updating alltogether and it says to check the camera. Even when this happens, the camera is still readily accessible through the web browser at full framerate. The cameras also seem to have a 10-20 second delay (again only when using Xeoma). I have tried cutting back to a single camera at low resolution to see if this problem could be avoided to no avail. The other (possibly related) problem is that the archive viewer simply does not work for me. If Xeoma manages to record motion and I try to watch the archive, it skips over almost everything (aka the current position marker at the bottom jumps past large parts of the archive as it plays, occasionally even straight from beginning to end). This can be fixed (sometimes) by using the mouse to move it back to the time that I want to watch, but this usually takes a few tries and is extremely inefficient. One other minor problem that has seemed to develop is that if I attempt to add a module to any of my cameras, Xeoma just creates a new random IP camera and applies the changes to that, leaving my camera unchanged. I initially assumed all of these problems were directly resultant of the computer I was using but since it has plenty of memory while running and the processor usage was not too high, I can't understand what is causing them.
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Re: Slow preview framerate and archive not working properly

Postby Thiscrinit40 » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:03 pm

I had the same problem with framerate. I have a Foscam IP camera and was getting 1-2 fps. When I had 'Foscam' selected as the camera in Xeoma, the URL it was pulling the stream from was 'http://username:password@' which seemed to be a static image that updated only when the page was refreshed. When viewing the stream in the browser it pulled the video from 'videostream.cgi'. I changed my camera model in Xeoma to 'IPCAM' and it now pulls the stream from 'http://username:password@' - which now records at 15 fps. I'm not sure if 'IPCAM' is a camera model or something generic - either way everything works great now.

What is the make/model of your camera?
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Re: Slow preview framerate and archive not working properly

Postby parker » Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:30 pm

I am using a few Foscam clones so this may well explain the problem I'm having. I will check later today what it is pulling from and update the forum.
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Re: Slow preview framerate and archive not working properly

Postby Admin_N » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:46 am

Thiscrinit40 Wrote: 'http://username:password@' which seemed to be a static image

You are very right. Like it was said in this message,
snapshot.cgi is for JPG pics while
videostream.cgi is for MJPEG streams
Anyway, video option for Foscam manual setup will be added in the new version of Xeoma.

parker Wrote:If Xeoma manages to record motion and I try to watch the archive, it skips over almost everything

If I understand correctly, there are frames in archive that get skipped while playing the archive? The built-in player is being currently worked on so this error will be fixed by the next release.

parker Wrote: Xeoma just creates a new random IP camera and applies the changes to that

Perhaps, you are adding ready-to-use schemes instead of simple modules? Generally, when you click a module in the top panel, it is added to the scheme of work and connected to the current chain without creating a new one. Please share some details about your chain so that we could find out what causes the issue.
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