Sorry for the late reply.
crugnoc Wrote:what is the correct way to upgrade the software under ubuntu server?
It's all simple. You need just uninstall old version of Xeoma using this command (if you want to keep archive and config files saved):
./xeoma.app -install -removeexe After that you need to download a new wersion:
wget http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/downloads/xeoma_linux64.tgzUnpack it:
tar –xvzf xeoma_linux64.tgzAnd install it (for example if you want to set Server into autostart):
./xeoma.app -install -coreauto Also the console displays a short
help when accessing Xeoma:
- Code: Select All Code
Usage: Xeoma.app [-command] [-argument]
-help (show this help)
-core (run server only)
-client (run client only)
-install [-argument] (working with argument only)
-allmanual (install Server and client with manual start)
-allauto (install Server and client with auto start)
-coreauto (install Server (autoStart) and client (manualStart)
-hiddenmode (install Server (autoStart) hidden mode used)
-removeall (remove all, include Archive and config files)
-removeexe (remove program. Leave Archive and config files)
-activateOnline [Serial];[Serial];...
-activateRequest [Serial];[Serial];... (offline activation)
-activateResponce [ActivationData] (offline activation)
-showpassword (show current password and set enable network access)
-startdelay [seconds] (delay before starting in seconds)
lang=[language] (i.e. for english:'lang=en'; for russian: 'lang=ru' etc.)
Hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to ask us questions, we are happy to help.