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CLI command

PostPosted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:45 am
by crugnoc
I have an 8 cams licensed xeoma, installed on ubuntu 13.4 32 bit server. Is there a way to enable/disable
some modules (tipically motion detection/e-mail) manually via command line? I need to start/stop
motion detection using linux script.

Regard in advance

Re: CLI command

PostPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:53 am
by Admin_J
Sorry for the late reply.

crugnoc Wrote:Is there a way to enable/disable some modules (tipically motion detection/e-mail) manually via command line? I need to start/stop motion detection using linux script.

Unfortunately, no, there's no such an option. But if you use Ubuntu Server, you have a PC with Xeoma Client, right? You can manage your modules in Client.

Re: CLI command

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:38 pm
by Admin_N
Also, in Xeoma PRO you can conigure chain and modules in configuration files, without a client. Read more about Xeoma PRO here