In an effort to test properly, I set up an entirely new server with Ubuntu Server 12.04.4. It's a brand new install. I copied the file I downloaded online for Linux to that server and I tried launching it from terminal. Problem is the -core function seems to die off on its own without warning.
- Code: Select All Code
jason@zoneminder:/media/storage$ ./ -core
Xeoma version 14.2.11
Usage: [-command] [-argument]
-help (show this help)
-core (run server only)
-client (run client only)
-install [-argument] (working with argument only)
-allmanual (install Server and client with manual start)
-allauto (install Server and client with auto start)
-coreauto (install Server (autoStart) and client (manualStart)
-hiddenmode (install Server (autoStart) hidden mode used)
-removeall (remove all, include Archive and config files)
-removeexe (remove program. Leave Archive and config files)
-activateOnline [Serial];[Serial];...
-activateRequest [Serial];[Serial];... (offline activation)
-activateResponce [ActivationData] (offline activation)
-showpassword (show current password and set enable network access)
-startdelay [seconds] (delay before starting in seconds)
lang=[language] (i.e. for english:'lang=en'; for russian: 'lang=ru' etc.)
Xeoma server is started in foreground.
Xeoma server Stopped.
On top of that (and understably so) the client on my Ubuntu 13.10 laptop (same version) fails to connect remotely. The IP is correct, no firewalls are in place, and I have the password from the -showpassword flag. Even still it throws an error saying unable to connect etc etc. I'm certainly assuming this is related to the fact the system's process is tanking, but as mentioned above, I have no idea why. I tried rebooting this box and redoing these steps, but no dice.
Anybody have any idea what's going on?