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PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:21 am
by cameraguy
I am puzzled how to hoop my D-Link DCS-5020L camera. It is an IP camera and can be set to stream to an FTP site but I am just trying to figure out how to hook up to Xeoma. Any help is appreciated.

Re: DCS-5020L

PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:18 am
by mauricioesilva
If the camera is not detected automatically, try to add a camera manually with this parameters:

Device: IP or WIFI camera
Username: <if needed>
Password: <if needed>
Full URL address....: http://<camera ip address>/video.cgi or http://<camera ip address>/dgvideo.cgi

You should get the camera streaming (MJPEG) at 640x480.

For audio try:
http://<camera ip address>/dgaudio.cgi
If the audio need username and password (has to be an administrator, another user won't get audio) try:
http://<username>:<password>@<camera ip address>/dgaudio.cgi

For PTZ: no idea.

Re: DCS-5020L

PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:05 pm
by Admin_K
cameraguy Wrote:I am puzzled how to hoop my D-Link DCS-5020L camera. It is an IP camera and can be set to stream to an FTP site but I am just trying to figure out how to hook up to Xeoma. Any help is appreciated.


Can you review image from camera in browser?

Did you try to add your camera in Xeoma via '+' menu? What happens when you conduct 'Simple search for local cameras'?

You can try to add your camera manually via '+' - Add new camera manually.

You can check URL for your camera in its documentation/admin page/internet.

We've checked and found the following URLs (please try them one by one):







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