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Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:53 pm
by raspberry
Hello everyone,

I downloaded Xeoma on the raspberry pi and i wanted to launch it, but whenever i tried to launch it did nothing.
What I want to accomplish is the following:
-capture video with 2 ip camera's when motion is detected (camera's are attached to raspberry pi)
-save the captured video on an usb-harddisk attached to the raspberry pi

I would like to know if this is possible with Xeoma and the raspberry Pi

Thanks in advance

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:41 pm
by Admin_K

Currently, only Server part is available to use on ARM-based machines (like Raspberry Pi). You can install your Server Xeoma using e.g. commands:

And connect Xeoma client (that can be used on another PC). And note, that rtsp streaming is currently not available on Raspberry, so you can use e.g. http.

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:47 am
by korniza
do you have any plans for rtsp implementation on ARM?
Image Qaulity, in general, is lacking using http protocol. I thinking of purchase the full version but rtsp is keep me on hold.

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 6:33 am
by korniza
I use an odroid XU board (8-core ARM cpu). It runs OK, when I perform ./ -core.
I tried to install the core (server), so it can run on start up

Code: Select All Code
./ -install -hiddenmode
install hidden mode ...  *    Ok > installFiles
*    Ok > popClientFromAutorun
*    Ok > unInstallCoreShortcut
*    Ok > unInstallClientShortcut
*    Ok > unRegisterInSystem
*    Ok > stopCore
*    Ok > registerCoreAsService
*    Ok > exchangeOldExeFileToNew
*    Ok > unRegisterCoreAsService
*    Ok > revertWithAdminRights
Run as superuser failed. Please, try to run this command as superuser (sudo) manually: /home/pi/xeoma/ -instadm 789C6364606030640512E5C5A599C98C4086910490D0CFC8CF4DD52FC8D44FCACCD38F48CDCF4DD4AF00912005C662C80AF492F3F3D232D3218A40D22640CC00003C7813C3
grep: grep: No such file or directory
grep: xeoma.prerm: No such file or directory
*    Ok > removeExeOnly
*    Ok > unRegisterInSystem
*    Ok > revertOldXeomaVersion
*** Fail > installHiddenMode

It reports that it required superuser previligies, so I follow the prompt as program says:

Code: Select All Code
sudo /home/pi/xeoma/ -instadm 789C6364606030640512E5C5A599C98C4086910490D0CFC8CF4DD52FC8D44FCACCD38F48CDCF4DD4AF00912005C662C80AF492F3F3D232D3218A40D22640CC00003C7813C3
*    Ok > stopCore
*    Ok > registerCoreAsService
*    Ok > exchangeOldExeFileToNew
*    Ok > unRegisterCoreAsService
grep: grep: No such file or directory
grep: xeoma.prerm: No such file or directory
*    Ok > removeExeOnly
*    Ok > revertWithAdminRights

Where should I look if it is installed?
Folloing lines reports an error and what kind of issue is this?
grep: grep: No such file or directory
grep: xeoma.prerm: No such file or directory


Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:45 pm
by kais
Any news about rtsp implementation for arm version?

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 3:32 pm
by Admin_K
kais Wrote:Any news about rtsp implementation for arm version?


Rtsp will be implemented soon. Please subscribe to our newsletter:

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:18 am
by csabibme
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying hard to get xeoma client work on my Raspberry Pi3 running Raspbian. Actually the server is working just fine but I'd like to use my RPi as IP camera viewer too. When I try to run the client with ./ -client the following error message I get:
Code: Select All Code
root@devtronics_server:/mnt/STORAGE/devtronics/TOOLS# ./ -client
Client is not authorized to connect to ServerClient is not authorized to connect to Server ! XWindow graphical shell is not available in console mode
! You must run Xeoma with available parameters, i.e. to run server: -core
! Type '-help' for read parameters list.

And when I try it from the X (by cliking on the icon on the desktop) eventually nothing happens.
Do you have a clue how to sort it out? I use it everywhere with no problem but now for once in a lifetime I need it on an ARM computer...

Thank you all,

Re: Xeoma on raspberry pi

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:15 am
by Admin_N
You need to use one of the latest versions of Xeoma where Client for ARM had already been added (starting from Xeoma 16.3.29). I see that wrote your message on March, 30 but still can it be that you were trying an older version than that?

Please download the latest version of Xeomaand try it in it.