Module "Preview and archive" delete files before time

Xeoma Software

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Module "Preview and archive" delete files before time

Postby verzulsan » Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:24 am


Hello from Seville (Spain),

I have set up “archive storage time” to “1 day” and today I woke up and I could only see the last two hours, I went to the folder “D:\Vigilancia\Xeoma\Preview+Archive.8\2013-10-30” , ordered the files by creation time and the list goes from the file “0374.xem” created at 6:15am to “0482.xem” created at 8:03am. There are no more folders separating days and I know they were there because I was checking those records yesterday afternoon before I went to bed which are gone now.

This was not the first time, I have been running xeoma for 2 days now and the highest timeline I can remember was 4 hours, it was also set up for 1 day.
I am setting the “archive storage time” now to “not limited” to see if this also deletes any files, I rather delete the videos myself than have no records at all.

Extra information:
I am running server “Xeoma 13.10.25 (Trial edition)” on a Windows XP Pro (v.2002) (SP3).
The “Preview and archive” module settings are all default except “Max size of the archive”: (500Mb), “archive storage time” (1 day), “folder to store files” (D:\Vigilancia\Xeoma\) and the name of the camera.

I post here if the “not limited” option also continues deleting files.
If you need to know any other information, please ask me and I’ll be happy to share it.

Thank you very much.

Ok, I took like 30 minutes to write this post, and before posting it I went to check again my surveillance directory after changing “archive storage time” to (not limited) 30 minutes ago and now records goes from 0549.xem (9:10am) to 0571.xem (9:31am), so I can only check for the last 20 minutes. 550 is the first one now, I am on the folder and I can see how every new record deletes the first one (0551.xem-0573.xem)
Last edited by verzulsan on Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:55 am

Re: Module "Preview and archive" delete files before time

Postby verzulsan » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:39 am

Ok, I figured this out by myself and it was my fault understanding the description of “max size of the archive”.

It is the “max size of the archive” which I thought it meant max file size for a recording, but it really means the total size of the container in which the files are stored, and I can see that this length is about ~500Mb which is what I set up.

My problem is solved, thanks.
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Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:55 am

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