CAnnot get Motion Recording to work

Xeoma Software

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CAnnot get Motion Recording to work

Postby tleanna » Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:08 pm

I am very new to Xeoma, so please be gentle...

I have downloaded the trial version onto my Windows 7 machine. I have the camera configured and trying to get my camera to record motion...

I have a Foscam FI9821W, which I can see the love stream (although it is about an 8 second delay - not sure why). The settings are as follows:

Universal Camera Module
Device Type: IP or Wi-Fi Camera
Manual Setup
User Name: <Blank>
Password: <Blank>
Full URL address: rtsp://<userID>:<password>
Port: <Blank>
Enable H.264 recording: Checked
Ful URL of h264-video stream: rtsp://<userID>:<password>
Use H.264 stream (from Archive): Checked
HTTP port for PTZ: <Blank>
Full URL address for sound stream: rtsp://<userID>:<password>
PTZ inverse Options
PTZ horizontal: Unchecked
PTZ verticle: Unchecked
Camera found: 2

Motion Detector Module
Disregard motion shorter than (sec): 2
Prerecord (sec): 5
Postrecord: 10 minute(s)
Sensitivity level: 100
Current level: 0 (I don't see it move even though people are walking past it
Monitored Area: All Red Fill
Object size: Mostly far left (10%)
Brush Size: Middle (50%)
Mode: Auto
Unmark: Unselected

Preview and Archive Module
Name: MyOffice
Folder: MyOffice\
Image Refresh Interval: Maximum FPS
Archive storage time: 1 Hr
Maximum size of archive: 3G
HHD space: 50G
Image Resolution: No Changes
Image Quality: No Changes

I have a concern that it says there are two cameras found - now one might be my laptop webcam - not sure...

Any help would be appreciated.
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:04 pm

Re: CAnnot get Motion Recording to work

Postby Admin_N » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:29 am

You can click on that "New cameras found" message to view what those are.
search1.png (32.84 KiB) Viewed 11392 times

Or you can just go straight to the "+" menu:
search2.png (59.3 KiB) Viewed 11392 times

What is the problem exactly? As far as I understand the cam was detected and added and you can view it in Xeoma now. Is it the delay that bothers you?
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Re: CAnnot get Motion Recording to work

Postby tleanna » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:18 pm

I was looking for how to record to a file, not to a preview and archive.... I have been able to figure that out, but I guess now I am worried about the time delay, both in real-time view and when motion is activated...

I now have these settings:

Universal Camera Module
Nothing changed

Motion Detector Module
Disregard motion shorter than (sec): 0
Prerecord (sec): 5
Postrecord: 1 minute(s)
Sensitivity level: 15
Current level: 0 (I don't see it move even though people are walking past it
Monitored Area: All Red Fill
Object size: 1/4 to left of slider (~25%)

Save To File Module
Full Path: C:\XXX\XXX\ServerRoom_%y-m-d_h-i%
Type of files: (H.264, AVI)
Duration of video: 5 minutes
Interval between start of two records: No Intervals
File storage time: 5 day(s)

I have the camera in a locked room in our building and which the above settings, and here is a sample of my results...

Test 1: 9 second delay – 1m 22s length – 8961KB
Test 2: 0 second delay – 1m 10s length – 7493KB
Test 3: 0 second delay – 1m 21s length – 8833KB
Test 4: 5 second delay – 1m 29s length – 9784KB
Test 5 : 0 second delay – 1m 11s length – 7644KB

I have also been testing another software and with the same test as above and I have had no issues with the time delay using the exact same config (except in their format)... The other item to not is that I cannot get the H.264, MP4 file format to work correctly through the recording process - it will create the file, but it is not viewable through VLC...
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Joined: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:04 pm

Re: CAnnot get Motion Recording to work

Postby Admin_N » Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:13 pm

Motion Detector has been much enhanced since then. You're encouraged to try Xeoma of the latest versions to see if there's any delay there.
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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:43 pm

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