Change OS host

Xeoma Software

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Change OS host

Postby crugnoc » Mon Nov 10, 2014 10:37 am

I've a 8 cam XEOMA License, buyed 2 years ago, and installed on UBUNTu 10.4. Now I need to
reinstall Xeoma software under a CENTOS 6 virtual machine. My questions are:
1) Could I reinstall software using the same license or I have to buy again?
2) What's is the right way to migrate configuration data from one machine to another?

Regards in advance
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Joined: Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:36 pm

Re: Change OS host

Postby Admin_N » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:49 pm

You could try to re-activate your old license on the virtual machine, or, if it doesn't work, try the Self-help page on activation issues.

Please pay attention that since your license is 2 years old, it should have run out of free updates period. So you will need to activate it on an "old" version of Xeoma. If you want to use the latest version of Xeoma and continue getting new versions when they are released, please buy an update extension period.

However, we don't recommend using Xeoma on virtual machines as stable work of its activation on virtual machines is not guaranteed.

Anyway, this is how you move settings: go to Xeoma’s folder and copy the settings.dat file (it’s where the settings are stored) and Preview.Archive folder – if needed (it’s where archives are stored). Launch and activate Xeoma on a new installation. Turn Xeoma off there. Place these copied resources to the new Xeoma folder. Launch Xeoma again – it should “recognize” the files and start working with them.
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