Motion detector triggering

WebCam Looker software

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Motion detector triggering

Postby g354bri » Wed Dec 29, 2010 12:15 am

Can you please explain the relationships between triggering sensitivity, alarm delay and post delay (especially that last one!)? Thanks.
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Postby Administrator » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:22 pm

Sensitivity - is related to size of the moving object (changes before camera) to be reached in order to alarm (to call destinations).

Alarm delay - is to avoid false alarms. Any motion that is shorter than specified amount of time (for example 1 second) will not be detected.
For example, bird flying by, light condition changes, etc.

Post delay - amount of time to continue recording after motion is finished.
It could be used to continue recording multiple motions with small intervals between them - into one video file.
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