First implementation of Xeoma + openhab

Xeoma Software

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First implementation of Xeoma + openhab

Postby martindb » Mon Mar 09, 2015 1:10 pm

I´m working in my home automation system with openhab ( + wireless nodes (using lib on Arduino).

In the last week I was trying to integrate my ip cameras (foscam 9821w) to it, and also find a good video surveillance software. Was great to find Xeoma!

I have a very good integration to it. I would like to see some (or all!) of this enhancements in coming versions:

    Web server module: streaming in mp4/ogg formats valid to embed in html5 video tag (so no need for flash player in modern browsers).
    PTZ module: posibility to receive via http request (like http switcher) ptz control. Also camera position presets would be great.
    Motion detection module: Avoid to fire when PTZ movements are in progress.

BTW, it´s excelent your software!
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Joined: Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:43 pm

Re: First implementation of Xeoma + openhab

Postby Admin_K » Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:26 pm

Thank you for your interest in Xeoma!

>Web server module: streaming in mp4/ogg formats valid to embed in html5 video tag (so no need for flash player in modern browsers).
>PTZ module: posibility to receive via http request (like http switcher) ptz control. Also camera position presets would be great.
>Motion detection module: Avoid to fire when PTZ movements are in progress.

Thank you for sharing your ideas. We'll consider them and try to find a perfect solution on how to implement them in Xeoma.
Motion detection module's improvement is alredy in our debelopement plan. Hope it'll be ready in the near future.
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Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:20 pm

Re: First implementation of Xeoma + openhab

Postby Admin_N » Thu Apr 14, 2016 3:42 pm

We are always happy to receive your ideas on how to make Xeoma better. For now, we've already implemented the requested enhancement in motion detection module: Avoid to fire when PTZ movements are in progress. You try it in the latest versions of Xeoma (download from our site or update via Xeoma)
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