Hi all,
what is the correct way to upgrade the software under ubuntu server?
Is there documentation about that? I have to reinsert the key and the configuration or not?
I have a "pro" edition since 2 mounth.
Regards in advance
Moderators: Admin_N, Administrator, Admin_P, Admin_K
crugnoc Wrote:what is the correct way to upgrade the software under ubuntu server?
Usage: Xeoma.app [-command] [-argument]
-help (show this help)
-core (run server only)
-client (run client only)
-install [-argument] (working with argument only)
-allmanual (install Server and client with manual start)
-allauto (install Server and client with auto start)
-coreauto (install Server (autoStart) and client (manualStart)
-hiddenmode (install Server (autoStart) hidden mode used)
-removeall (remove all, include Archive and config files)
-removeexe (remove program. Leave Archive and config files)
-activateOnline [Serial];[Serial];...
-activateRequest [Serial];[Serial];... (offline activation)
-activateResponce [ActivationData] (offline activation)
-showpassword (show current password and set enable network access)
-startdelay [seconds] (delay before starting in seconds)
lang=[language] (i.e. for english:'lang=en'; for russian: 'lang=ru' etc.)
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