doesn't seem to work with my cam

Xeoma Software

Moderators: Admin_N, Administrator, Admin_P, Admin_K

doesn't seem to work with my cam

Postby san.francisco » Fri May 18, 2012 11:51 am

I've tried your program Хeoma.
I like the module-based principle of functioning very much.
However, for some reason it doesn't work right with my webcam Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000, while it does work just fine with some other, cheaper cams. I have a loading cam sign on screen though the light indicator shows that the cam is on.
And it works fine with other programs.
Any thoughts on how to fix it?
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Re: doesn't seem to work with my cam

Postby Admin_N » Fri May 18, 2012 1:11 pm

Hello san.francisco,

There's a Windows limitation that cam can't be used by more than 1 program simulteneously. Your cam's stream can be captured by other cam accessing software like skype that gets loaded before Xeoma. Please check if that is the root of the problem and close such programs if needed. You may mot want to close all such programs to let Xeoma access the video stream solely. In this case we recommend to use video stream splitting apps like SplitCam or other similar.

We hope that our reply will be of help. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

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