Xeoma 16.4.8 is released! RTSP for Linux/ARM and Android...

Xeoma Software

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Xeoma 16.4.8 is released! RTSP for Linux/ARM and Android...

Postby Admin_N » Fri Apr 15, 2016 2:53 pm

Dear Xeoma users!

New version Xeoma 16.4.8 is released & already available on our site and in Google Play!

Since the last release, a lot of work has been done. Just look at the changes log:

Best news of all: Xeoma Client part for Linux/ARM microcomputers is finally available (in addition to the previously available server part). Moreover, Xeoma for Linux/ARM now supports RTSP cameras!

RTSP cameras are now also supported in Xeoma server for Android. Work of the client part on Android is optimized. Fixed search for motion in selected areas.

Added Face Blur: now you can use the Privacy Masking module to blur objects detected by a preceding filter (like Face Detector) in the chain.

Image overlay added to the Marking module (in addition to the previously available date/time, text, or GPS coordinates waterstamp).

Archive has been much improved. For example, support for keyboard arrows was added in Archive player. Pressing left/right arrows will move play slider 10 secs backward/forward.
Also added possibility to stop search in selected areas by exiting the player or clicking on the search progress bar.
Archive settings were enhanced as well: now you can see how much space in % is still free and available for Xeoma recordings.
Export from the archive now has a warning if there is no sufficient free space on the server or the client for export of the selected extract. Another warning will notify you if there are insufficient rights for export of the selected extract.

For your convenience, added possibility to save only audio stream to archive without video stream.

Added Fullscreen mode for Xeoma on Linux (Layouts menu –> Window settings).

Added support for the Tab keyboard button for quick jump between fields.

Enhanced work with cameras – now there will be less freezes when working with large amounts of cameras. More options added to Group settings section of the Universal camera module, including preferences for single camera view, archive storage and hardware acceleration.

Fixes are as follows:
Fixed the issue when Xeoma suddenly stopped recording video to archives.
Fixed sending SMS with the sms.ru option.
Fixed wrong modules’ name when logged in through LDAP.
Fixed processor load peaks when email messages were dispatched.

We hope that you'll like the improvements! Download the new version from our site at http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/download/ or update via program's interface to try them now!
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Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:43 pm

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