16.6.6 not autostarting on Ubuntu 16.04 headless server

Xeoma Software

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16.6.6 not autostarting on Ubuntu 16.04 headless server

Postby ceallred » Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:19 am


I just upgraded from an early 15.x.x version to 16.6.6. earlier version was auto starting just fine, however this new version will not. It starts fine manually. This is on an Ubuntu 16.04 headless server.

Any known issues or things I can check to get it running?

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Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:12 am

Re: 16.6.6 not autostarting on Ubuntu 16.04 headless server

Postby Admin_E » Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:20 pm


How did you do upgrade? Remotely from a client? Or, through a console by using commands -install-removeexe? Is your Xeoma installed now?

What exactly happens, after you start your computer? Have you tried to use command -htop? If yes, was Xeoma running?

I would recommend to reinstall it through console by using, first, command -install -removeexe, then command -install -coreauto.
Does it help?

Keep us posted!

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