Search By Motion

Xeoma Software

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Search By Motion

Postby shugrue » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:15 am

I recently transfered my existing archives for several cameras from a failed machine to a new machine. I was able to transfer the license as well. The new machine is up and running just as before with the historic archives. These transfered archives can be played but not 'searched for motion' although the new archives recorded since the overhaul can be searched.

Is there any way to process these transfered archives to make them search-able.

Keep in mind that physically the old machine and the new machine are 'apples for apples'. The cameras are the same cameras from the old setup and even the version number for the xeoma server is the same. All in all the change over was most likely transparent to the xeoma software. Unfortunately I did not transfer the archive.db files.

-thanks in advance for any input.


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Re: Search By Motion

Postby Admin_E » Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:23 pm

Good question! The thing is, that all information about motion is saved in archive.db file. If you still have an access to the old machine, go head and transfer archive.db file as well. Then, you should be able to make search for motion in the transfered archives. But, make sure to use the same path for saving in the archives in a new machine, as you have used in the old machine.

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