WebCam Looker v3.0 is available from January 2, 2008

WebCam Looker software

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WebCam Looker v3.0 is available from January 2, 2008

Postby Administrator » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:12 pm

WebCam Looker v3.0 is available from January 2, 2008 for download.

New features in this release:

- Computer reboot in case of hanging of device driver. When device is working, but do not get correct image, your computer will be automatically rebooted in one minute (if configured this option from General dialog of Settings). If your computer is unmanaged - this is the only way to keep it working (as computer video security, etc) in case of problems with device drivers. Of cource, if device is busy by another software (i.e. started by user), or is unplagged (nothing helps here), the computer will not be rebooted.

- Motion absence detector ("motionless"). When there are not motions during the specified interval - the destinations will be called (once). This is very helpful in looking for moving objects. For example, when ventilator stopped (broken?), fishes are not swimming (got sleep?), child (sleeping?), children on court (leaved?), cars (jam?), labor (resting?), etc.

We are looking forward for your comments about new functions and suggestions for further improvements of the software.
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