New beta version 18.5.4 is already available on your website

Xeoma Software

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New beta version 18.5.4 is already available on your website

Postby Admin_K » Mon May 14, 2018 9:21 am

Check out our new beta version 18.5.4:

4 May 2018: New Xeoma Beta 18.5.4:

- Enhanced Xeoma’s free edition: now you can view up to 1000 cameras live in Xeoma’s free mode! Free mode still allows for up to 3 modules per chain (max 1 video source per chain), and up to 4 Preview and Archive modules total, and up to 4 Email Sending modules total. View, access and changing of settings is available from the same computer.
- Xeoma Pro: added logs (CSV reports) for users’ opening/closing cameras;
- Added the ability to disable the recording of data from detectors to run the program completely without the archive.db database. This increases the performance of the archive in cases where the search for motion and other events is not needed;
- Console: added the console command -installdir to set the installation path through the terminal (command line);
- Console: added a console command to tell the client the address and port of the connection to a particular server. Use the following syntax -client UserPassword@ServerIPAddress:ServerXeomaPort (for example: -client test@;
- Console: added the console command -reindexingArchive for re-indexing of the archive;
- Console: added the console command -fullscreen to run Xeoma in full-screen mode;
- Added the ability to enable/disable encryption with the console command -sslconnection;
- Increased the maximum speed of playback of the archive to x64;
- RTSP Broadcasting: added the ability to change the port;
- Added the ability to automatically switch between the Preview stream and the Archive stream if one of them stops responding;
- Increased the maximum speed of playback of the archive to x64;
- Added support for the new 1.6 version of the iANPR utility for ARM;
- Added support for the Arducam AR0134 camera for Linux (launched with the -arducam key) and for Linux ARM (on by default);
- Sending Email: fixed the interval between message;
- Android: fixed incorrect display of the speed label at a speed of 10x and above;
- Fixed the Internet connection error message on virtual machines at every launch;
- Corrected distortions that used to happen during accelerated playback of the archive;
- Fixed the problem of writing archives to disks larger than 5TB on 32-bit Linux.
- Fixed the “Only detect changing areas” option in the ANPR module;
- Archive: removed the diagnostics window about archive loading;
- Xeoma Pro Your Cloud: fixed error in authorization of web users when using the MainCloudWebInterfaceIpAddress parameter;
- iOS: fixed app crash due to wrong timescale data and its transmission to the ios client;
- Eliminated occasional recording while the Motion Detector is in the Skipping state.
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