Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Xeoma Software

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Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby cancam » Fri Dec 13, 2019 1:42 pm

I set the time in my cameras and configure it so the camera time stamps the feed with the current time as it elapses. That time is always correct but the time stamp in the archives is never the same and is always off by random amounts of time. The time stamps in the archives are different from camera to camera and aren't off by hour intervals as if I have set the wrong time zone in Xeoma. Its frustrating because if I want to follow an object as it crosses from one camera to another, Xeoma jumps to it's incorrect time and I have to search thru the archive using the camera time stamp.

How do I fix this?

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
Xeoma 19.4.22

EDIT ADD: OK, two days, one view, more info.

I stopped all preview and archive modules, closed out Xeoma then deleted all archives and the archive database.
I then reopened Xeoma, turned on all preview and archive modules then reindexed each one.
The archive time on three out of four cameras are correct.
The fourth is correct in the beginning of the archives when I turned the module back on but the *archive clock*(?) on this camera alone is running fast.
After a little over 4 1/2 hours, it's crept from camera time matching archive time to archive time being 5 minutes fast.
That's 1/2 hour a day that my archive time is getting off mark.

What's going on? Please?
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby cancam » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:04 am

I fixed it somehow. Not sure how what I did fixed it but ....

What I did was switch a setting on the camera called FlickerFrequency from PAL (50Hz) to NTSC (60HZ).

I also changed the shutter speed from 1/500 to 1/120.
(Not sure this had any effect at all because I had to enable the shutter speed switch by changing the exposure mode from *scene* to "shutter", then switch it back again after I changed the shutter speed) - The camera is a Jidetech IPC-E14000 series.
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby Admin_K » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:41 pm


Could you please provide additional information? Unfortunately, it's not clear what the exact issue is connected with.

Do you use 'Marking' module in Xeoma? It looks like that issue is connected with the time that you set on your camera.
In this case Xeoma takes what is already pre-configured in camera's admin page in browser, i.e. it can not change camera's own marking since Xeoma only 'shows' camera's timestamp on preview and in the archive.

Maybe timeline in the archive showed incorrect time? In this case you can try to check all time zones both on the Client side and Server side, and time zone in the Main menu - Remote access - Users

Alternatively, you can try to update Xeoma via Main menu - Information - Check for updates.

Anyway, we're happy if the issue is gone now. Please feel free to contact us anytime via email, Skype or online chat: https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/contacts/
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby tkhyla » Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:34 am

I have same problem with Xeoma 19.11.26 version.
Archive time is -2h wrong. Realtime camera time works but every stored archive time is wrong.
Remote client and server side time zone is both correct.

Server running in Ubuntu and remote client is Windows 10 machine.
When I looking stored archive in server machine (Ubuntu), time is correct. Problem happened when using remote client (Windows 10) machine. Tested with two different remote Windows.
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby Admin_K » Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:56 pm

tkhyla Wrote:I have same problem with Xeoma 19.11.26 version.
Archive time is -2h wrong. Realtime camera time works but every stored archive time is wrong.
Remote client and server side time zone is both correct.

Server running in Ubuntu and remote client is Windows 10 machine.
When I looking stored archive in server machine (Ubuntu), time is correct. Problem happened when using remote client (Windows 10) machine. Tested with two different remote Windows.


Please make sure that time zone is correct in Main menu - Remote access - Users
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby tkhyla » Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:32 pm

Time zone is correct both side. Server and client side
"Main menu - Remote access - Users" +2h both
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby tkhyla » Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:37 am

Problem fixed in my side with latest update 20.2.13.
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby mauricioesilva » Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:53 am

I would be nice to know how you fixed it. I'm still having this problem.

The only place where the hour is correct is in the server logs. All other places it shows the local hour less the timezone (the server is a headless machine, the timezone is set via /etc/localtime). All users, including the Administrator is set to the same timezone of the server.
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Re: Xeoma time doesn't match camera time

Postby Admin_K » Mon May 25, 2020 12:52 pm

[quote="mauricioesilva"]I would be nice to know how you fixed it. I'm still having this problem.

The only place where the hour is correct is in the server logs. All other places it shows the local hour less the timezone (the server is a headless machine, the timezone is set via /etc/localtime). All users, including the Administrator is set to the same timezone of the server.[/quote]


Please contact us via email, we'll gladly help: https://felenasoft.com/xeoma/en/contacts/
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