I run xeoma on Linux and it has some issues with regard to security.
Firstly, when starting as a service, xeoma wants to modify all of its directories to be 777 - i.e. world writable. This is a big issue as I want to be able to control access properly to the file system.
Secondly, it is not possible to run xeoma service with a user other than root, as it seems to need root capabilities:
- Code: Select All Code
: xeoma : user NOT in sudoers ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/usr/local ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/local/bin/xeoma -instadm 789C6364606030640412C920C2088819400C630120A15F5A5CA49F939F9C98A31F919A9F9B08923001A90000927F072F
Is there a way to disable the world-writable folders (other than hacking a cron job to do this on a regular basis...)
Can someone either explain to me how to run xeoma as a non-root user or put this in as a feature request?