Adding YouTube feed into camera grid

Xeoma Software

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Adding YouTube feed into camera grid

Postby k0d3g3ar » Sat Aug 15, 2020 5:59 pm

I was wondering if it is possible to add a YouTube feed of a remote camera ( into my grid of cameras that I'm monitoring? I have all Axis IP cameras and they are great, but I have been able to add a foreign image from a source via URL there, but not sure if I can do this with this example YouTube URL feed?

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Re: Adding YouTube feed into camera grid

Postby Admin_P » Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:26 am

Unfortunately, Youtube videos themselves are not RTSP or HTTP-based streams, so Xeoma cannot access them directly. You might be able to use some kind of an intermediary that will convert a given Youtube video into an RTSP stream, and that stream can be fed to Xeoma.
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