Netatmo Welcome camera with Xeoma

Xeoma Software

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Netatmo Welcome camera with Xeoma

Postby oniscidea » Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:25 pm

I recently purchased a facial recognition camera from Netatmo model NSC01-EU (Welcome).
This camera is very popular in Europe as it is distributed by Legrand, a major domotics and automation group. This is (maybe) the only camera able to recognise not only human faces but particular people, making very easy to detect intrusions.
I wanted to retrieve video from this camera with Xeoma.

Well, after some hours of investigation I got what I needed. So here you have instructions to get the stream from the camera, from your local network.
First you will need the camera IP. This Netatmo device takes the IP from the router (DHCP) and you do not have the choice to set it (!). As I needed a static IP I associated the camera MAC to a concrete IP (in the router DHCP config).

In the case that you don't know what IP took your camera, you can do what I did, or here you have other two methods to find out the IP:
A) Install "fing" in your phone: this app will tell you the IP of all devices attached to your local network.
B) Get local IP from API system of Netatmo:
1) Go to (being logged in into your account!)
2) In the /homesdata chapter click "try it out" (leave home_id empty and in "gateway types" put NACamera) and now "execute homes data"
3) In server response you will get a lot of data. In the 5th line you will see your home_id, a 24 byte hexadecimal code.
4) Go to /homestatus -> "try it out" and introduce your home_id -> "execute /homestatus"
5) In server response you will get a line saying vpn_url:",,"
The x number is your home_id. The y number is some kind of security code that changes from time to time, so you will have to query again if repeating it in the future.
6) With all this make up this URL:,,/live/files/high/index_local.m3u8
(You only have to add /live/files/high/index_local.m3u8 at the end, attention with the two commas)
The browser will ask you where to save the .m3u8 file.
Inside this file you will find some info and some URLs like that:
http://LOCAL_IP/HOME_ID/live/files/high/live0000001340.ts -> here you have the camera local IP!

Well, once you have the IP, to open the stream from the camera the URL is:
This URL can be opened with VLC for example and also is what you need to capture the cam from Xeoma!!!
You can access the streams in different qualities: /files/high/index.m3u8 -> change high for medium/low/poor
Hope this is useful :-)

PS if all you need is a jpg snapshot of the live video the URL is:
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Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2021 12:14 pm

Re: Netatmo Welcome camera with Xeoma

Postby Admin_K » Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:13 pm


Thanks for sharing this information with our users.
Posts: 342
Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:20 pm

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